Sermons on Evangelism

Sermons on Evangelism

Rome or Bust!

Rome or Bust!: The Winding Journey from Jerusalem to Rome Part 8 in the series, Building His Church: The Commission Wall Download the sermon notes

Uncharted Territory, Part 9: The Church Crosses the Divide into Uncharted Territory

Uncharted Territory, Part 9: The Church Crosses the Divide into Uncharted Territory An ambassador is the greatest job in the world. To represent your country… This is the greatest job that we have, because we represent the King of kings and Lord of lords, the One and Only, there is no other. It is not to be shared in any way. We are ambassadors in that. And we are a unified Body — as a church, and you as an individual.…

Uncharted Territory, Part 7: From Gospel to Growth

Uncharted Territory, Part 7: From Gospel to Growth This process of sanctification is a life-long process. It’s a life-long journey forward, and at no point in the Christian life can we be stagnant in our faith. And remember that oftentimes with growth, there are growing pains. As Paul said, “It is good that some of us might suffer for the Kingdom.” … So may we all go out from here to preach the gospel, to allow for a response, and…

Uncharted Territory, Part 6: Guided by the Holy Spirit

Uncharted Territory, Part 6: Guided by the Holy Spirit This is what Spirit-empowered disciples do: they share the good news. They witness to the work of Jesus. And this is what Spirit-led churches do: they send out these Spirit-empowered disciples. The question for us today is, are we that kind of a church? Are we those kinds of disciples? … The Holy Spirit guides all of this. Without the Holy Spirit, we are just a gathering of mostly nice people who…

Uncharted Territory, Part 5: From Imprisonment to Freedom

Uncharted Territory, Part 5: From Imprisonment to Freedom What does it mean to us that God is sovereign? It says that if God is sovereign — and I do believe that He is — then it is right for you and me to surrender ourselves to Him. We surrender ourselves to God and we allow Him to do whatever He wishes with us. James surrendered his life to God. Peter surrendered his life. It is no use fighting against a sovereign…

Uncharted Territory, Part 4: From 1st Generation to 2nd Generation

Uncharted Territory, Part 5: From 1st Generation to 2nd Generation My dream for LifeWay is that we become a next-generation church, just like Antioch. … [a church that] says, “I am not afraid to live on the frontier lines of anything as a church, to face the issues of what may come our way.  And the only way I’m going to do that is [to be] an authentic follower of Jesus.” Download the PDF above to follow along with notes.

Uncharted Territory, Part 3: From Jew to Gentile

Uncharted Territory, Part 3: From Jew to Gentile God was using the children and the voice of Abraham to bring a message to the children of anyone else who could come by faith: you don’t have to be born physically into this. … We’re called to be pioneers to train people and teach people about the sovereignty of God — teach people about the lineage that can be found in Christ and Christ alone. And the only identity that I…

Uncharted Territory, Part 2: Persecutor to Propagator Through Conversion

Uncharted Territory, Part 2: Persecutor to Propagator Through Conversion God is a sovereign God. God has a plan. And God is going to fulfill that plan, with or without you—or me. God’s plan is to integrate and move into the hearts and lives of people in His sovereign will. Ananias was used by God to be part of God’s sovereign plan, to use Saul—Paul—to open the door for the gentile world to come to faith. … The persecutor [Paul], all…

Uncharted Territory, Part 1: From a Safe Community to the Frontier

Uncharted Territory, Part 1: From a Safe Community to the Frontier I have said that [Philip] was the very first Acts 1:8 man, so I don’t disagree that he was a pioneer. But I don’t think that Philip was trying to be a pioneer. I don’t think that he was trying to say, “Here I am! I’m the first one to try to evangelize past Samaria!” I think he was just trying to be a Christian. … My encouragement in…

Let’s Talk, Part 3: Let’s Talk About Radical Truth

Let’s Talk, Part 3: Let’s Talk About Radical Truth Ultimately, in order to accomplish any of this — any of the perfect living, any of the commitment to radical truth telling, any commitment to faithfulness — we must be a people who stand firm in our faith in Jesus Christ. We must stand firm in our trust in His promises. We must stand firm in the gospel message. We must stand firm in the knowledge of scripture. We must stand…

The Outward Focused Church, Part 6: GIC Commitment Service

Billy Arnold is nothing. He’s just the holder of a key. But it’s an incredible key. It’s an unbelievable key that unlocks the truth of people’s lives, that allows the prisoners to be set free. [Jesus] says, “I’m going to give [the key] to the church.” And who’s the church? We are. … Jesus handed the message of himself over to the church body; and therefore, the church body, every one of us, learns how to say, “How does God…

The Outward Focused Church, Part 5: God and You

God designed you specifically to be a vital part of what His plan was in this world. God has uniquely fitted you for something that’s bigger — and it’s not something that you get to dream up; it’s something God originally designed, which becomes very much a part of who you really are. — Billy Arnold

The Outward Focused Church, Part 4: God and His Church

From Jerusalem to Judea to Samaria to the ends of the earth—that’s where the Church is designed to be. And as we refocus on God’s agenda and his mission, that he has given to his Church, we become his instrument to fulfill his ultimate purpose—and that is to draw worshipers to himself from all over the world. See, local/global evangelism is the task of the Church. It is the primary task of the Church. — Don Turner

LAUNCH, Part 4: The Boldness of the Church (Acts 3 & 4)

Boldness comes from connecting the dots. … We are the most forgetful people on the planet. We forget what happened last week! We get so busy with life and we fill our life with noise so much that we never stop and examine: what has God done? Boldness comes from walking on a journey with God and seeing what he does, highlighting that, and saying, “My life is built on this spot!” That’s exactly what Peter is doing in this…