Uncharted Territory, Part 6: Guided by the Holy Spirit

Uncharted Territory, Part 6: Guided by the Holy Spirit

Uncharted Territory, Part 6: Guided by the Holy Spirit

This is what Spirit-empowered disciples do: they share the good news. They witness to the work of Jesus. And this is what Spirit-led churches do: they send out these Spirit-empowered disciples. The question for us today is, are we that kind of a church? Are we those kinds of disciples? …

The Holy Spirit guides all of this. Without the Holy Spirit, we are just a gathering of mostly nice people who try to do good things. But with the Holy Spirit, we can really be the church. We can bring the good news of Jesus to the uncharted territory, to people and places and situations that have never known how great and how loving God is. Let’s be that sending church. Let’s be those sharing disciples.

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