Sermons on Buliisa

Sermons on Buliisa

Multiply, Take 2 (Part 2)

So what does the story of Gideon have to do with LifeWay? What does it have to do with Multiply and our resources?  Well, I think that as we consider our resources as followers of Jesus, we have to remember that, whether we have a lot or a little to offer, nothing good happens unless God makes it happen. Heather Althoff

Multiply, Take 2 (Part 1)

I think this story is important because it relates a fundamental truth about our resources —whether they’re scarce or plentiful: The purpose of our resources is not our comfort. It’s not our glory. It’s not even necessarily our survival. The purpose of our resources is to reveal God to this world and to glorify Him. Amy Parodi

Multiply, Part 1: Small Resources

God has called us to invest whatever it is that we have into something that becomes productive. Something that becomes green. Something that becomes eternal. … The tragedy is when we just waste it away, out of fear of failure. You cannot fail when you’re investing in the things of God.