LAUNCH, Part 4: The Boldness of the Church (Acts 3 & 4)

LAUNCH, Part 4: The Boldness of the Church (Acts 3 & 4)

Boldness comes from connecting the dots. … We are the most forgetful people on the planet. We forget what happened last week! We get so busy with life and we fill our life with noise so much that we never stop and examine: what has God done? Boldness comes from walking on a journey with God and seeing what he does, highlighting that, and saying, “My life is built on this spot!” That’s exactly what Peter is doing in this place [in Acts], and that’s exactly what we’re called to do: connect the dots on your own journey with God. … When it comes time to be bold and God says, “Step up to the plate,” a boldness will come upon you and you will be witnesses. I’ve seen it happen. It’s not just the boldness of an enthusiastic pep rally; it comes from a preparation of your life for that divine moment when God says it’s time to use you.

— Billy Arnold