'youth' Tagged Posts

'youth' Tagged Posts

God’s Wisdom in My Parenting

We are continuing to study Proverbs all summer, which is a merging of God’s wisdom with our real lives. Many of the proverbs we have highlighted are not well known at all. I encourage you to continue to read through the book of Proverbs for the summer, and highlight some that stand out to you.  Some you will find interesting—and a few you will even find odd-sounding. But this coming Sunday’s focus verse is actually one of the most famous…

Testimony: How scripture can change us

Spiritual disciplines are an extremely important part of the life of any believer. It is the time spent on the part of the believer deepening and growing their faith and their understanding of who Jesus is and who they are as individuals. Spiritual disciplines like Bible reading, meditation, quiet time, prayer, journaling, and fellowship with other believers all aid in the sanctification of believers. It is no different for children, youth, or adults alike. One of the students in LifeWay…

Spring Break & Holy Week

Hey, Parents!  Happy Spring Break and Holy Week! We are in week four of our new way of life. I just wanted to give you all another little update of some things for this week in youth ministry!  Daily Zoom Hangouts We are continuing our Monday-through-Friday 2 p.m. Zoom Hangouts. Zoom has been in the news lately for some security concerns, so I just wanted to let you know that since we’ve started, we have been taking as many measures…