Posts from August 2023

Posts from August 2023

Summer of 2023 in the books!

This past Tuesday our staff office team had a review and evaluation time of the summer events, programs, teaching, and ministries we had as part of the life and LifeWay for the summer of 2023. It was productive for review, but far more importantly we had to ask ourselves ‘was it productive when we measure our goals. So… what was our goal? The goal was our theme for all things post Easter (May – August). The theme was Engage! Engage…

All Things Work Together for Good

What Bible verses can you recite from memory? Most Christians can usually recite a few verses from the Bible. The reason why they can remember a certain Bible verse varies from individual to individual. Maybe it was the first Bible verse they ever remembered from Sunday school. Maybe they bought a coffee mug or throw pillow, with the verse printed on it. Maybe the Bible verse become a favorite because it encouraged and inspired them during a difficult time in…

Spiritual Habit of worship

Over the whole summer, beginning in June, we have spent time with 6 Spiritual Habits for a growing and thriving Disciple of Jesus… This Sunday August 27 we will look at the 7th on our list… When you use and hear the word “Worship,” most of us think of music, singing, or even we might call it “going to church.” But it is far beyond this.  As you come this Sunday morning, spend some time looking over and contemplating Romans…

For in the day you eat of it (Part II)

Read Part I Adam and Eve, however, did not die only physically. That is only part of the story. When a sinful being collides with a holy God, something else is happening. Colossians 2.13–14 When you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions, having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and He has…

For in the day you eat of it (Part I)

We all know the story. In the beginning, God placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The Genesis narrative seems to say there were many trees inside this garden. God told Adam he may eat from any tree in the garden. But there was one tree in the garden where its fruit he may not eat. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat…

Desna Cup 2023

You should know by now that we will once again (2nd weekend in a row) NOT be worshipping in our building, but instead this week we will be at the sports field at Saghalie Middle School Federal Way (close to Fred Meyer) for an outdoor service joining with a few other churches. We did this last year, and it was wonderful, so we are doing it again.  But what is “Desna Cup?” Why is it called that? What is the…

Essence of Rest

REST What is rest? As a spiritual discipline, rest can be defined as the ceasing of work with the purpose of focusing on God.  Why do we need to rest? We as humans are tasked with work. From the very beginning of creation God tasked humanity with a work to do. Certainly that work became toilsome because of Adam and Eve’s sin, but there always was and always will be work to do. However, God also commanded his people to…