All Things Work Together for Good

All Things Work Together for Good

What Bible verses can you recite from memory? Most Christians can usually recite a few verses from the Bible. The reason why they can remember a certain Bible verse varies from individual to individual. Maybe it was the first Bible verse they ever remembered from Sunday school. Maybe they bought a coffee mug or throw pillow, with the verse printed on it. Maybe the Bible verse become a favorite because it encouraged and inspired them during a difficult time in their life. Or maybe it was a Bible verse that simply spoke to them. Others didn’t stop when they read the verse, but they did.

Our Bible verse this Sunday is, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” The Apostle Paul wrote this familiar verse in Romans 8:28. Many recall this verse because it brings so much comfort, direction, and hope to them everyday. And yes, it would not surprise me if you told me you also have this verse memorized in your heart.

Even if you haven’t memorized Romans 8:28, you probably know it. But what does it mean? What do you think Paul was saying? More importantly, is it true? Can we really trust God to take all things, and cause them to work together for good? In other words, even though sad or things that make us upset come into our lives, do we have this confidence our God will use them to ultimately bring about a good and happy ending? Is this what this verse is saying? Come, and let’s think together this Sunday what Romans 8:28 is saying. We know it has to be true because it is in the Bible. But if I am right, we have a few questions. See you Sunday!

Your Friend
