Posts from March 2024

Posts from March 2024

An Easter Poem

A triumphant ride into the townJesus was greeted with the cheersHosanna! proclaimed the peopleOur king is finally here. Now he stands in front of PilateNo longer came the CheersNow changed to Shouts of crucify!The Angry crowds did jeer Then, on the cross, our Lord did hangIt is finished! His last cryHe suffered unimaginable agonyAll for you and I For three long days and three long nightsIn the grave, his body layThose who loved and knew himThought he was there To…

What Would You Paint Jesus to Look Like?

About ten years ago Patty was asked to paint about 25 portraits of famous people who would be considered ‘peace makers’ in the world. Individuals who stand out as people who brought something better for a nation and the world. She was asked to do this by a missionary who served in a difficult place in Asia to be put into a coffee shop there. It was actually called the “Peace Café.” The intent was to foster conversations among the…

Suffering Through the Pain

One of my favorite movie series is “Band of Brothers.” It came out about 20 years ago and has been branded as one of the most realistic views of the challenges in war time. It follows the story of real American WWII veterans from the D-Day Normandy invasion into France all the way to the end of the war.  I know that Army bases when training soldiers actually require their troops to watch this series to teach them lessons of…

When An Unbeliever Prays (Part II)

Read Part I An unbelieving person clicks “send” on his screen, and submits a prayer request to God. What will you say happens next? Does the email come through into God’s inbox? Does God even see the “unread” email? If God sees the email, does he open it? If he opens it, does he read it? If he reads it, what does he do with it next? Is God aware that the email came from an unbeliever, and therefore he…

Lost and Found

We have a ‘lost and found’ box in the church lobby. You might think at first glance that there are many different kinds of items in this ‘lost and found’ box.  Bibles are the most common. But there are hats, gloves, glasses, notebooks, coats, umbrellas, and plenty of other common items that get left behind with no name on them and are unclaimed. But if you really think about it, there are only two kinds of items… there are LOST…

When An Unbeliever Prays (Part I)

As most of you know, Jenny and I became proud first-time grandparents last year. Oliver (Ollie) was born at 27 weeks. He has spent already four months in the NICU, and is still in a NICU today. Jenny and I are so grateful God has given us a church family so we don’t have to walk on this journey alone. You have not stopped asking either of us about Ollie every Sunday. You have prayed, and continue to pray for…

The Amazing Romans Chapter 8

I have always considered Romans chapter 8 as one of the favorite chapters in the Bible for me. That’s honestly difficult to truly evaluate because I don’t want to lose any of the chapters. They are all God’s Word and inspired. They are all profitable. But undeniably there are a few that really stand out to me and just have always spoken to me in a very special way. This Sunday we are going to begin the first of four…