Desna Cup 2023

Desna Cup 2023

You should know by now that we will once again (2nd weekend in a row) NOT be worshipping in our building, but instead this week we will be at the sports field at Saghalie Middle School Federal Way (close to Fred Meyer) for an outdoor service joining with a few other churches. We did this last year, and it was wonderful, so we are doing it again. 

But what is “Desna Cup?” Why is it called that? What is the intent of a joint service in this way? Let me give you a few answers: 

1. What is the Desna Cup? Desna weekend Federal Way is now in its 15th year in our city. It was born out of the idea and enthusiasm of a group of leaders from the Christ Church Edgewood (Russian) group. They put it together beginning years ago to have a sports tournament (soccer and volleyball) but really did it as an evangelistic outreach in our city. Lots of teams come and play. It begins on Saturday and runs through Sunday evening. They have a food court there also and lots of city fun. A couple years ago they asked a few other churches (ours included) to consider having a community worship on Sunday morning. 

2. What does the name”Desna” come from and what does it mean? This is the name of the river in the Bryansk Russia region where many of these Russian background people came from. Our connection with this church and this family goes back 20+ years when we began our mission trips for kids camps in Bryansk. I personally have swam in the Desna River many times. I have even been part of baptisms in the Desna River many times – both in summer and in winter! (Brrrrr!!!!!). So our connection with the Christ Russian Church Edgewood goes all the way back to those years. These guys who lead this event are dear friends of mine and us at LifeWay. 

3. Why a joint service with a few other churches? August is the perfect month for this kind of thing. But a few of us church leaders who are serious about wanting to love on our city in the name of Christ felt this is one way to join hands and not worship together, but pray for and reach out to our city. 

4. Who is leading this service? Many people actually. You will sing and be led by a combined worship team. You will hear from several church leaders in our city. You will hear from a missionary friend of LifeWay who served us last year at our GIC (He will be our keynote speaker). 

So when you come this Sunday morning… at 10m… at Saghalie Middle School, come not just to worship with those you know at LifeWay, but meet and encourage one another as we bring Christ to our city. 

See you Sunday morning at 10am! 

Contact Billy Arnold