Posts by Kevin

Posts by Kevin

We Got This!

What a world we live in! As we all know, it is summer, and it’s pretty normal for summer to feel weird and different as people are traveling and heading out on vacation. Students are generally slowing down and sleeping in and staying up late. Summer is usually filled with bike rides, hikes, video games, late nights with the bonfires, and family time. This summer is obviously different. The news of our local schools staying closed for the start of…

Lamp to Our Feet

I was talking with one of the students recently and asked him how he was processing the current events. His response was, “World’s crazy.” The world is crazy at times. The world, marred by sin, is extremely broken and hurtful. So often, life is crazy. It has been discouraging at times. These past few days, weeks, and months have been so difficult in so many ways. It is hard to hold on to hope when all seems hopeless. It is…

I’ve Known Her My Whole Life

Happy Mother’s Day! It feels like I’ve known my mom for practically my whole life. And I’m still not tired of her! She is both the most loving and toughest woman I know and has taught me so much, my whole life. She has been the biggest encouragement in my life, from the first time I walked to riding a bike, swim meets and baseball games, rugby matches and school dances, and the list goes on and on. But out…

Keep Doing the Good

Now that we’re a few weeks into the Corona Quarantine (or Big Rona, as some of the youth like to say), I imagine that you, both parent and teen, have been struggling with patience. Close quarters, the fear of the unknown, frustrations about schedule and school, and all of the Zoom calls that everyone is doing has definitely helped to test our patience and our ability to hold onto joy in the midst of trials. So I want to offer…

LifeWay Youth – April 23, 2020

Hey, parents! Are you wondering how you’re supposed to keep your student busy during this crazy time?! Well, we have a few things planned to help with that this week!  Daily Zoom Calls Daily 2 p.m. Zoom calls are happening on Wednesday and Friday this week. We want to dial it back for this week to give the students a little break.   Weekly Youth Group Live Streams For our Thursday youth group, we’d love to hear your feedback on what time…

LifeWay Youth – April 14, 2020

Hey Parents!  Are you feeling overwhelmed and stressed out, not knowing what to do with your youth? Need some extra resources to help? Check out what’s going on with LifeWay Youth!  Daily Zoom Calls  Daily 2 p.m. Zoom calls are happening Monday through Friday as a way for your student to stay connected with others in our youth ministry as well as have fun. We are doing daily devotionals, we have been playing games, and we’ve given away prizes every…

Spring Break & Holy Week

Hey, Parents!  Happy Spring Break and Holy Week! We are in week four of our new way of life. I just wanted to give you all another little update of some things for this week in youth ministry!  Daily Zoom Hangouts We are continuing our Monday-through-Friday 2 p.m. Zoom Hangouts. Zoom has been in the news lately for some security concerns, so I just wanted to let you know that since we’ve started, we have been taking as many measures…