'GIC' Tagged Posts

'GIC' Tagged Posts

Global Impact Celebration: A historical review

Where have we been and why do we do this? Eleven years ago at LifeWay Church, we began dedicating one week of the year to a Global Impact Celebration, or GIC. It is a week on our calendar, but if that is all the annual GIC is for you, then you’ve totally missed the entire point.  Let me explain. Why did we start this, and what’s the history of GIC? To be honest, most churches, when they are involved in missions,…

A Global Mandate from Our Global God

If you had a dream of going somewhere in the world where you have never been—seeing something with your own eyes instead of seeing just tourist photos—where would it be? It’s a bit of a “what’s on your bucket list?” question.  A cruise through the inside passage to Alaska? The tropical islands of the Maldives in the Indian Ocean? The fjords of Norway? The glaciers and penguins of Antarctica? The Gobi Desert of Mongolia? The Great Wall of China? Machu…

The Global Need

What’s the greatest need in the world today? Clean water? A secure food supply? Access to education? Each of those needs is significant, and they are also universal—meaning that everyone, no matter who they are or where they live, has these needs. But the greatest need we all have is a Savior. The Bible tells us that every person is dead in their sin until they accept the gift of Christ as their Savior. He is the solution to our…

Partnering With the World

Are you ready for your commitment? This whole week we have focused on ways that we are invited by the Almighty God of the universe to partner with him in his work. A Christian leader a while back famously said, “Find out what God is doing, and then join him.” The beauty of this truth is that we actually do get to join God in his incredible work. He offers this partnership to his people (you and me), but are…

A Quick Word from Billy about the GIC

A decade ago, LifeWay Church felt led by God to make a major shift in the reason for our existence. We committed to remaking ourselves into becoming… An equipping and sending church A going church A Great Commission church A missions church In 2012, we started what has become the most important week in the life of our church calendar: the GLOBAL IMPACT CELEBRATION (GIC). Since 2012, for every GIC we have invited guest missionary workers from around the world…