Getting a Glimpse of God

Getting a Glimpse of God

Hello, LifeWay Family!

This week marks the start of Advent! I am super-excited for the Christmas season (maybe equally excited for tomorrow’s Thanksgiving dinner!). I just love the lights, the brisk air, and a hot tea between my hands! The memories this time of the year brings up for everyone are wonderful, and I pray that you’re building those memories for you and your family this year.

As we work through the series, “Knowing God,” I want you to meditate on what we mean by that statement: knowing God. How do we know God? Can we know God? The very idea seems both attainable and incomprehensible at the same time.

This week’s message comes to us from Exodus 33. In this passage, the Israelites have escaped Pharaoh and slavery; they are being brought out of the wilderness and have seen a multitude of miraculous wonders along the way. Upon arriving at Mount Sinai, Moses ascends the mountain to commune with God, who gives Moses two tablets engraved with what are most famously known as the Ten Commandments. But when Moses descends the mountain, what does he find? The Israelites worshipping a golden calf made in Moses’ absence. Moses is not the only one upset, and what begins to unfold is a glimpse into the mighty justness of God, and the incredulous love and discipline that we receive from the Father. We begin to see what it is like to see God. Meditate on this word; seek the nuances around both the response of the Israelites and the responses of God and Moses to one another.

I pray to see you all this Sunday. Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours!

In His name,

Edwin M. Michaels