Posts by Edwin Michaels

Posts by Edwin Michaels

Getting a Glimpse of God

Hello, LifeWay Family! This week marks the start of Advent! I am super-excited for the Christmas season (maybe equally excited for tomorrow’s Thanksgiving dinner!). I just love the lights, the brisk air, and a hot tea between my hands! The memories this time of the year brings up for everyone are wonderful, and I pray that you’re building those memories for you and your family this year. As we work through the series, “Knowing God,” I want you to meditate…

Christians in Conflict

Hello, LifeWay Family! It’s Edwin, and I wanted to take a moment to say how excited I am for this Sunday! For those of you who may not know, this Sunday will be my first opportunity to preach to the church as a whole! I am so elated to be able to share something that God has really been placing on my heart this year. Have you ever had a conflict with an unbeliever? Has a conversation and attempt to…

A Message for Our Graduates

Excerpted from a message given to high school seniors, their families, and LifeWay Youth students at Grad Night, May 25, 2022. The next season of life is approaching for our graduates, and there are some things they will need to be prepared for in life. Here are three points that you will probably not hear at any commencement ceremony, this year or ever. (This is also important for people who are not graduates this year!) If you can latch onto…