Generosity in a Time of Fear

Generosity in a Time of Fear

This week the Bible Project, like many other organizations, created some content for families to start gospel conversations at home. It included a short video, some Bible readings, and some discussion questions—and overall, it was quite good. What struck me was the topic. The first topic that they chose, in response to a pandemic sweeping into the United States and across the world, was generosity. This might seem minor in comparison to God’s sovereignty, His power, or our faith, but trust me, they are all connected. Generosity grows out of an experience of God’s gracious gifts in our own lives. It grows out of the conviction that God will take care of our needs, so we are free to take care of others. But this is not always our first response. I’ll admit that my first impulse in this crisis was to think of the safety of my own family first. I was happy to help others…as long as I was comfortable that we had everything we needed.

Give us this day our daily bread

These words have been on my mind a lot lately. Jesus used them in two of the gospel accounts to teach his disciples to pray with an attitude of complete dependence on him. Honestly, I thought that I was doing pretty well at this—until I checked my gut response to widespread panic. I have not stockpiled food (or toilet paper), but I had to ask myself, “Is it because I am trusting God for my daily bread, or because I am pretty comfortable that we still have enough?” Will I still be trusting God if the store shelves remain bare as my pantry empties?

How are we as God’s people seeking ways to serve those in the community? Are we “taking care of our own” or looking for the vulnerable all around us? This week we began exploring some opportunities to reach out to struggling families in the apartments close to our LifeWay campus. As our own jobs and resources linger in the balance, will we reach out in generosity anyway? Will we trust in the God of all resources?

Stay tuned as we consider the best way to serve God right now in our community!

For Christ’s mission and glory,


BTW, to sign up for the Bible Project’s weekly at-home resources, click here.