The Spiritual Habit of Gathering

The Spiritual Habit of Gathering

Acts chapter 2 and Acts chapter 4 with the last few verses from each of these has always been a picture of what a church gathering should look like. I have heard teaching lessons all my life from these sections. I have also taught these passages many times dating all the way back to my high school days. Whenever church members have needed a good example of what a church gathering is to look like, this is where we most often turn. And for good reason.

The book of Acts is unique in that the resurrection of Jesus had just occurred and this was the dividing line of all history. And the formation of God’s church started right here following the sermon that Peter delivered in Acts 2 at Pentecost in the city of Jerusalem. Even though this story is 2000 years old, and it occurred in a city half a world away that culturally very different, there are some pictures of a Christ following community that we must pay attention to.

Sunday July 9 we will look again at this passage as we do part 2 of the spiritual habit of gathering. Read ahead Acts 2:42-47, and Acts 4:32-37. Sunday will be not only some teaching about gathering, but what I am calling a lab practice on what God has called us to live out.

See you Sunday. I hope you had a nice July 4th week!

Contact Billy Arnold