Shattered, Part 1

Shattered, Part 1

SHATTERED, Part 1: Perfection Shattered

You are hopeless and helpless in sin!

It’s bad, guys. … Except this is also where the redemption story starts. This is why when we teach scripture, it’s attached to the gospel. The gospel is the GOOD NEWS. Left to yourself, there’s not a behavior you can live — there’s not a lifestyle you can have, there’s not an amount of money you can offer to the poor, there’s not an amount of time you can give to any project out there to prove your worthiness — that will sustain you to get you through that separated, segregated, alienated life away from God. Because you are unholy, I am unholy in the presence of a perfect God…except for Jesus Christ. Romans 6:23 says, “But the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”