BOTH/AND, Part 4: The Great Divide Between Sent and Tell

BOTH/AND, Part 4: The Great Divide Between Sent and Tell

BOTH/AND, Part 4: The Great Divide Between Sent and Tell

You have been sent so that you can tell, so that others will hear, so they can believe, so that they’ll call on Jesus. … [but] if we are not telling, there’s a problem with our understanding of who sent us – it’s disbelief – or it’s just disobedience. … Our role is to tell. There’s components of telling the good news: a sending, there’s an audience, and there’s a message. All that is wrapped up in belief and obedience, as the scriptures point out.

…I want to encourage us to step beyond disbelief, step beyond disobedience, and step into places where you need a miracle.