Knowing the Unchanging God in an Ever-Changing World

Knowing the Unchanging God in an Ever-Changing World

This Sunday I am going to teach the last in this series “Knowing God,” but by saying this, please understand, there is NO WAY that we have come to end of what it means to Know God. We have taught about 35 Sunday’s using this headline “Knowing God.” We have taught a great deal from Exodus, Deuteronomy, Isaiah, Matthew, John, and Hebrews… and have looked carefully at many other Scriptures as well during this whole academic year. Some of us might have thought this ‘sermon series’ has been ‘too long,’ and now let’s move on. Even though we have treated this as a sermon series of packaged up messages, I do hope you have caught this very important point…

You can never get to the bottom of the knowledge of God!

Back in my student days I had a Bible professor that gave us an illustration that has always stuck with me. The question was ‘how much can you know about God?’ His answer was a comparison of knowledge to a bucket full of water. When the bucket is full, we believe that we don’t need any more water. When we come to know Christ we to learn and know God and it can be compared to having a bucket full of water. This is how much we know of God. But when we grow more we then compare that amount of knowledge to a bathtub. Then we grow even more and the amount can be compared to a lake, then a Bay, then an ocean. Is there a bottom to this? His answer was ‘no!’ At some point we realize that it can be compared to the ever-expanding universe. We cannot get to the bottom of fully Knowing God.

This Sunday morning I will NOT be able to give the full knowledge of who God is in totality – not even close. But instead I pray that I have wet your appetite this year and you will spend the rest of your life growing in your knowledge of God and your personal walk with Him. You cannot reach the bottom of the depth of our eternal God in Jesus Christ. See you Sunday as we conclude this sermon series. My prayer is that it helps launch you into a new journey with Him!

See you Sunday

Contact Billy Arnold