Posts by Chris Berry

Posts by Chris Berry

Essence of Giving

What is Giving? Scripturally, we are to give of our time, talent and treasure.  These are not mutually exclusive.  Our Creator has blessed us with time, abilities and talents, and financial resources.  Giving back in each of these areas is simply a recognition of our understanding that, without God’s blessing, we would have none of these!  For purposes of this discussion, we will focus on the giving of our financial resources. Why is Giving important? We give to demonstrate where…

What Just Happened?

I find myself asking that question a lot these days. Do you? Do you ever think, “What in the world is going on?” I find today’s environment quite surreal. In many ways, it’s quite a pleasure having some real down time—time with my family, time in the Word, actually even a bit of time to work out now and then! But it can also be a bit scary—especially as we start to think about what the future looks like. A couple of Sundays ago, Billy…