Posts by Amy Parodi

Posts by Amy Parodi

Grace: A Back-to-School Survival Guide

I love back-to-school season. When I’ve planned my summer right, we achieve the perfect mix of scheduled stuff—camps, swimming lessons, sleepovers—with unstructured days to sleep in, lay around, be creative and/or watch too much TV. Warm weather, long days, fewer demands—it’s all pretty wonderful. But even after the best of summers, I’m still a little bit like this guy (best commercial ever). I like new school clothes. And I love new school supplies.  It’s fun to meet new teachers and…

Wrestling With the Word of God

Growing up, all things “Christian” were pretty engrained in my experience. I’m the granddaughter, daughter and sister of pastors.  I’m the niece and cousin of missionaries and Christian educators. I asked Jesus into my heart sitting in a grocery cart when I was four years old. As I grew up, I sang the songs (“Bullfrogs and Butterflies” and “The Music Machine” were my Veggie Tales equivalent). I learned the acronyms: S.O.A.P. for Bible Study, A.C.T.S. for prayer, and T.U.L.I.P. for…