At World’s End

At World’s End

Did you know that from polls done in 2012, some 14% of the population of the world believed that the world would end sometime during their lifetime? The lowest percentage was 6% in France. Can you guess in which country the percentage was the highest? You guessed it. America tied with Turkey at 22%. Does that say something about Americans? Anything?

Fascination with the end of the world has always been a people’s topic of discussion. If you are as old as I am, you may remember Y2K. Our nation, as all the nations around the world, feared that when the century turned, computer programs would mistakenly assume the year to be 1900 instead of 2000, bringing a total collapse in the banking, aviation, utility plus many more systems. I was working in New York City in those days and I remembered hearing just how much money companies were spending to fix the “Millennium Bug”. Then, as midnight rolled in, and the ball dropped in Times Square on New Year’s Eve, we saw no planes fall out of the sky, no trains collided, and the world sighed a breath of relief.

We all know that in the Bible, many Old Testament writers wrote about the end times, including Daniel, Ezekiel, and Zechariah. But did you know that we could find it in Ecclesiastes also? In Ecclesiastes 12, Solomon wrote about the end times from his own thoughts. Some of the descriptions he gave are very interesting and unique to him. He said things that no other biblical author ever said. Before you arrive to worship this Sunday, please read ahead Ecclesiastes 12:1–8. Come, let’s read together God’s Word, and think and worship together. See you Sunday!

Your Friend,