We are Family, Part 5: The Gospel of Dad

We are Family, Part 5: The Gospel of Dad

We are Family, Part 5:
The Gospel of Dad

Here’s how you need to dress for the job [of godly fatherhood]: you dress with humility. It’s like you walk out the door in the morning-time and instead of putting on a suit, to make sure everybody knows that I’m the boss, you put on a cloak of humility. … Your greatest need is to be the most humble man on the planet. Ephesians puts it this way: ‘Love your wife the way Christ loved the church’ — and He died on the cross for the Church! He was willing to lie on the railroad tracks for them. That’s exactly the context of 1 Peter 5 — when you have a flock of people [you’re responsible for], you are sometimes willing to lie on railroad tracks for them.

It is not about you. Posture yourself with humility.

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