LAUNCH, Part 2: The Power of the Church

LAUNCH, Part 2: The Power of the Church

Unholy hands — undeserved people, reckless and destructive humanity — put to death the holy One of God, this Messiah. … They unknowingly fulfilled a divine plan of God – and that divine plan of God broke the power of sin and death.

Peter says, essentially, that this was a reverse courtroom judgment. Jesus himself stood on trial. The court around Jesus says, “Guilty! Hang him! Crucify him! He’s not worthy to live!” They put him on the cross. What everybody else deemed a courtroom judgment to send him to death — God himself used that moment to bring life. If the divine Messiah’s suffering was ordained by the divine counsel of God, then so was his resurrection from the dead, and ultimately his final glory.

Then Peter says: Now what are you going to do about it?

— Billy Arnold